3 days to train you in SANsymphony V administration. This course trains in the design, installation, and management of SANsymphony V. It provides SAN storage administrators with the tools, knowledge, and practical experience to successfully implement SANsymphony V in a SAN environment. The training combines a theoretical part with hands-on workshops giving each trainee server access to the SAN. In this way, they study storage virtualization, allocate storage to a server application, perform high availability configurations, and manage the SAN environment.
3 days
This course is primarily intended for SAN administrators or system administrators who are responsible for implementing DataCore SANsymphony V solutions and wish to obtain DCIE certification.
Be familiar with Microsoft Windows 2022 administration and SAN and storage systems.
At the end of this course you will be able to:
• Describe DataCore SANsymphony V offerings and high availability in SAN environments.
• Identify the components of a SAN installation.
• Develop an installation plan for a SAN environment.
• Configure a SAN with DataCore storage domain servers, disks and application servers.
• Testing the SAN and monitoring SAN traffic
• Deploy SAN and SANsymphony V in the most optimal way
virtualise your storage
• Use DataCore’s support database to access the latest product information and troubleshoot problems.
• Implement and test SANsymphony V as described in the DCIE procedure.
Program details :
3 days
Module 1: DataCore Overview and SANsymphony-V
Module 2: Installing and Initial Configuration
Module 3: Disk Pools
Module 4: Virtual Disk
Module 5: High Availability, Mirroring and MPIO
Module 6: Vdisks and Snapshot
Module 7: Continuous Data Protection
Module 8: Maintaining the SAN
Module 9: Deduplication and Compression
Module 10: Technical Support
Module 11: Monitoring Performance and Health
Module 12: Asynchronous Replication